Chin & Cheek Augmentation
Both chin and cheek augmentation create a new, natural look that is in harmony with your other facial features. A weak or recessive chin can be improved with a chin implant or non-surgically with microfat grafts. Similarly, malar augmentation can enhance flat cheeks.
The size and shape of your implants, which are generally made of silicone, are customized for a subtle but significant new look that is in proportion to your facial features.
Chin or cheek implant surgery can be performed in conjunction with other facial plastic surgery procedures, such as a facelift or necklift for a comprehensive enhancement.
Dr. Robert Singer is a world-renowned surgeon with many years of experience providing successful cheek and chin augmentation procedures for his patients in La Jolla, California.
For more information about chin & cheek augmentation in La Jolla and San Diego, contact us or call Dr. Singer at 858.455.0290
Who Needs Chin and Cheek Augmentation?
People who feel they have flat cheeks or a weak chin may benefit from chin or cheek implants. Men frequently opt for chin implants to improve the jawline, and teenagers are sometimes candidates for implants if they feel their facial features are out of proportion and they have a “weak chin.”
Your Cheek and Chin Augmentation Consultation
Dr. Singer will listen to your concerns about your cheeks or chin and will advise you what can be accomplished through implant surgery. The two of you will determine the size and shape of your implants, and he will devise a surgical plan that is tailored to your needs and anatomy. He will answer all of your questions and explain what you can expect before, during, and after the procedure.
In some cases, Dr. Singer may suggest injections, such as microfat grafts, Restylane, Juvederm, Juvederm Voluma, Botox, or Dysport instead of or in addition to implants to further sculpt your face for optimal improvement. For some patients, injectable fillers may be sufficient to lift flat cheeks. If surgery can be avoided to achieve your desired results, Dr. Singer will let you know during your consultation.

The Chin and Cheek Augmentation Procedure
Implants can usually be inserted while you are under a local anesthetic and IV sedation rather than general anesthesia.
The incisions for cheek implants are usually made inside the mouth or near the hairline where they will be hidden. Incisions for chin implants are made inside the lower lip or under the chin. The implant is inserted, and the incision is sutured closed.

Before & After Photos
Interested in Chin or Cheek Augmentation? View our real patient results!
Anesthesia at our Accredited Operating Facility
At our AAAASF-accredited (American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities) private operating facility in La Jolla, you will be taken care of by thoroughly trained personnel, including carefully selected, experienced, board-certified physician anesthesiologists.
Most of our patients are anesthetized using sedation, allowing them to be asleep while breathing on their own, but usually not requiring a general anesthesia. We will discuss these options with you during your consultation.
Recovery from Chin and Cheek Augmentation
Chin and cheek augmentation is generally an outpatient procedure. The incisions are dressed after your surgery.
If external sutures were used, they will be removed several days after the procedure during one of your follow-up visits with Dr. Singer.
Most patients take 7-14 days off from work to recover from facial implant surgery. Some swelling, bruising, tingling, tightness, and tenderness are normal for 1-2 weeks after the procedure.
Topical Arnica Montana can speed the healing of bruises, and elevating your head while sleeping will reduce swelling. Cold compresses or ice packs can also be used for that purpose. Dr. Singer will provide pain medication to make your recovery time more comfortable.
You should avoid strenuous activities for a period of 2-3 weeks, and you may find smiling uncomfortable for a few weeks. You will begin to see the results of your procedure once the swelling has subsided, but the full results will not be visible for 4-12 weeks.