Breast Surgery Myths

Myth: Fat taken from other areas of the body is a better choice than breast implants for augmentation

Truth: Currently, it is felt that only up to 50% of transplanted fat successfully survives in its new location. The remainder doesn’t go elsewhere. It is just resorbed by the body. Fat injections to the breasts may be useful in making small modifications and correcting asymmetries, but this procedure should currently be regarded as experimental. Long term results do not yet exist. The results are not totally predictable and are very inconsistent. Breast augmentation with fat tends to be a lengthier procedure, generally more expensive than an augmentation with an implant and may require additional sessions of fat injection. There are a wealth of unanswered concerns: the extent of resorption of the fat, the large volume of fat that is required to produce an improvement, the limitation of the amount of augmentation that is possible, and specifically the issue about long term safety with regard to tumor stimulation which all need to be further investigated with valid scientific studies before fat injection for breast augmentation should be utilized by any surgeon or have it performed by any patient.

Myth: A large enough implant will correct droopy breasts

Truth: If you have sagging breasts, with your nipples located at or below the bottom of your breasts, implants alone will not correct the problem. Implants will increase the size of your breasts, but the nipples will still remain too low and the breast will not look youthful. You will need a lift procedure along with your breast augmentation to achieve well- shaped attractive breasts. The type of lift needed will depend on the amount of drooping. Patients who are satisfied with the size of their breasts, but have lost shape and sagged due to pregnancy or weight loss, will find that a lift alone, without an implant may solve their problem.

Myth: The “gummy bear” implants are better

Truth: There are a number of new implants referred to as “gummy bear” or “jelly bean” implants that are available, but there are no long term results to show that they are significantly better or will last any longer than the current implants. They do feel firmer.

Myth: Saline implants are as good as or better than silicone implants

Truth: There are advantages and disadvantages of each type of implant. Both are utilized by surgeons across the country with satisfactory results. They are both approved for usage by the FDA. The best way to determine what the best implant is for you is to have a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and discuss your concerns and personal preferences.

Myth: A certain number of “c.c.s” in a breast implant will always produce a certain cup size

Truth: The size of the augmented breast will depend on the amount of breast tissue that you start with before surgery in addition to the implant. Cup size is not standardized in the bra industry. A 32C and a 38C are totally different. What is a C in one bra company may not be a C from another bra manufacturer. Cup size even varies within a company from style to style.

Myth: Breast implants will make your breasts sag earlier

Truth: A natural breast of the same size and weight will gradually sag just as much as a breast with an implant. With or without breast implants ,a patient’s own body genetics and its reaction to gravity, weight fluctuation, and loss of elasticity as your skin ages all contribute to breast sagging A good supportive bra is helpful in avoiding sagging, whether you have implants or not.

Myth: Breast Augmentation makes it impossible to breastfeed

Truth: Some women, who never had breast surgery, are naturally unable to breastfeed, and some variations of breast augmentation may make it more likely you are unable to breastfeed, but most women with breast augmentations are able to successfully breastfeed. Breast implants pose no medical risk to your baby.

Myth: I will have to change my lifestyle or activities after an augmentation

Truth: Immediately after surgery, you will have a restriction on exercise and activity until you are healed. Once healing has taken place you may may resume all of your usual activities, including sports, and not have to alter your normal lifestyle.

Myth: Breast implants are unsafe

Truth: Breast implants are among the most tested of medical devices. Extensive studies have shown that both saline and silicone implants are safe. They do not produce a higher rate of cancer or autoimmune disease. After vigorous evaluation by the FDA, both are approved for cosmetic and reconstructive usage.

Myth: All breast implants will have to be replaced after 10-12 years

Truth: No one can guarantee the lifecycle of an implant and no one should enter into the procedure with the idea that the implants will last forever or that they may never need another breast surgery. . Implants do not need to be replaced unless a problem occurs. I have personally seen patients who have had implants in for over thirty years and the implants are still intact.

Myth: Breast augmentation is a one-time procedure

Truth: The majority of patients having breast augmentations are very pleased with their results. No one should enter into that procedure with the idea that the implants will last forever or that they may never need another breast surgery. There are a variety of reasons why a woman would have a secondary procedure: to alter the size of the implants as the patient ages and the size and shape of the breast naturally change, to correct the effects of pregnancy on the breasts, weight fluctuation, the implant can form a capsular contraction around it which produces a hardening, or the implant may leak. No one can guarantee the life cycle of an implant.

Your Personal Guide to Breast Augmentation

Considering a Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Having a breast augmentation is an important decision. Have you always been interested in increasing the size of your breasts, but you weren’t sure where to start?

That’s why we’re here.

We’ve created this guide to provide you with all the information you need to know about breast augmentation: How To Choose a Plastic Surgeon, Breast Implant Sizes and Types, Breast Incision Placement, Risks, Recovery and more.

Download Your Personal Guide to Breast Augmentation and learn all you need to know before your first consultation:

Dr. Robert Singer

Robert Singer, M.D.

Contact Us Today

Dr. Robert Singer is a board-certified plastic surgeon and former President and Chair of the Board of Trustees of The Aesthetic Society who gives his patients life-changing results. He is a member of several prominent organizations, including:

  • Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation, Founder and Prior President
  • QUAD A, Prior President
  • San Diego Plastic Surgery Society, Prior President
  • California Society of Plastic Surgeons, Prior President
  • Chosen by his peers as the inaugural visiting professor of California Society of Plastic Surgeons (CSPS) for all academic plastic surgery programs in California
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Prior Chairman of the Board of Trustees
  • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, member of numerous task forces including Patient Safety
  • American College of Surgeons

To discover what Dr. Singer can do for you, request a consultation with our form or call us at (858) 455-0290.

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