Body Contouring Myths

Myth: After liposuction fat can come back and you will lose the benefit of the procedure

Truth: As long as you maintain your weight, you will maintain the benefit. The fat cells that are removed during liposuction are permanently gone. However, you will still have plenty of fat cells left, which can expand and store more fat, so if you gain weight after the procedure, you will have an increase in fat in all areas of your body. Liposuction is not a replacement for proper diet and exercise.

Myth: Laser liposuction is the state of the art for liposuction today

Truth: There is a lot of marketing of technologies that claim to produce better results than traditional tumescent liposuction, but have yet to be proven. Laser liposuction claims a faster recovery, better result and skin significant tightening. Any marked improvement along these lines has yet to be validated in large-scale, multi-center comparative clinical trials that are not funded by the manufacturers. In fact, laser liposuction takes longer to perform the procedure  hasand has had a greater history of problems with burns and scarring of the overlying skin. What is more important than the technology, is the use of a very narrow canulacannula to avoid significant contour irregularities, a wetting solution to diminish bruising and a well trainedwell-trained, experienced, board certified plastic surgeon at the end of the canulacannula who has an artistic eye and is ethical about presenting the potential problems as well as the benefits of any procedure.

Myth: There is a permanent cure for cellulite

Truth: There is a lot of marketing of procedures and products that claim to cure cellulite. At this point, there are no technologies available that have been proven to permanently cure cellulite. Topical creams may produce a temporary small improvement, only while they are being used. Existing surgical technologies have yet to be shown to produce a long term significant benefit. There is a lot of interest in development of new procedures that may have a long term and reliable as well as predictable result, but current claims that they exist are as yet unproven.

Myth: There are supplements that are safe and effective for weight loss

Truth: There is no replacement for diet and exercise. Supplements and herbal medications are unregulated by the FDA, so there is no standardization of those “medications”. They often contain substances that act as stimulants which have the potential for producing medical problems. You never quite know what you are getting with these and the claims are excessive.

Myth: Extreme makeovers are safe and commonly done

Truth: As a rule, it is not commonly performed, nor should it be. Most patients don’t want an extreme result, they want a natural result. It is not uncommon for patients to have age appropriate combinations of surgeries at the same time. However, the primary concern should be which combinations are safe. Extensive, lengthy combination procedures have a greater potential risk of complications.

Myth: Liposuction is just for women

Truth: Liposuction is one of the 5 most frequently performed cosmetic surgical procedures for males, according to both The Aesthetic Society and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Males undergo excess fat contouring of their chest (gynecomastia), abdomen, flanks or “love handles”, thighs, and to improve their jawlines.

Myth: Liposuction gets rid of loose skin

Truth: Liposuction is not an effective skin tightening treatment and does not get rid of loose skin. Liposuction is frequently performed in combination with procedures that do address excess skin such as tummy tucks and lower body lifts (belt lipectomies).
Some laser liposuction devices claim to offer skin tightening benefits in addition to fat reduction, but any skin tightening achieved with lasers during liposuction is usually minimal, if at all, compared to traditional tumescent liposuction and ineffective for patients with more substantial skin laxity.

Myth: Liposuction will get rid of cellulite

Truth: Unfortunately, there is no proven “cure” for cellulite. There are variety of theories of what causes cellulite and optimism about future technologies and treatments. Liposuction, however, will not erase cellulite and may make it look worse in some cases.

Dr. Robert Singer

Robert Singer, M.D.

Contact Us Today

Dr. Robert Singer is a board-certified plastic surgeon and former President and Chair of the Board of Trustees of The Aesthetic Society who gives his patients life-changing results. He is a member of several prominent organizations, including:

  • Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation, Founder and Prior President
  • QUAD A, Prior President
  • San Diego Plastic Surgery Society, Prior President
  • California Society of Plastic Surgeons, Prior President
  • Chosen by his peers as the inaugural visiting professor of California Society of Plastic Surgeons (CSPS) for all academic plastic surgery programs in California
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Prior Chairman of the Board of Trustees
  • International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, member of numerous task forces including Patient Safety
  • American College of Surgeons

To discover what Dr. Singer can do for you, request a consultation with our form or call us at (858) 455-0290.

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